Recurrent Event Modeling Based on the Yule Process: Application to Water Network Asset Management. Yves Le Gat
ISBN: 9781848218918 | 300 pages | 8 Mb

Recurrent Event Modeling Based on the Yule Process: Application to Water Network Asset Management Yves Le Gat
Publisher: Wiley
Recurrent Event Modeling Based on the Yule Process: Application to Water Network Asset Management - Kindle edition by Yves Le Gat. Application to Water Network Asset Management Bli först att betygsätta och recensera e-boken Recurrent Event Modeling Based on the Yule Process. Recurrent Event Modeling Based on the Yule Process: Application to Water Network Asset Management eBook: Yves Le Gat: Kindle Store. Cemagref developed the LEYP model based on counting process theory that relies not Keywords: Asset management, break prediction model, drinking water networks The model is a linear extension of the Yule process (LEYP). Application to Water Network Asset Managment. Recurrent event modeling based on the yule process application to water network asset management ,. Asset Management, First Edition. Recurrent Event Modeling Based on the Yule Process. Negative binomial distribution, 10, 14–16. Recurrent Event Modeling Based on the Yule Process: Application to Water Network. Metaheuristics for Air Traffic Management Recurrent Event Modeling Based on the Yule Process. Recurrent Event Modeling Based on the Yule Process: Application to Water Network Asset Management.
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